Well, it's my birthday today. My 23rd. Wow, somehow, that's a scary thought. 23, and not even working yet, going into NS, so much of life not done or experienced. Yes, I know 23 is really young. I feel young and energetic, knowing that there's a long life ahead of me. But I look back at my life and it's been a really fast 23 years. I did a lot, but... somehow I don't think I did enough. Why not? I spent nearly all my time being involved in activities, school, friends, brotherhood, and so mcuh more. Lots of people envy the life I have had and would give lots to have it now. It's not that I'm not satisfied with life. It's just that in my personality, I just can't be satisfied. I'm not satisfied with my life now, not satisfied with being here, with nearly every aspect of my life. I always want to find more, do more, be involved in more. I want more and more out of life. Maybe that's a good thing. We only have a limited time in life. We need to squeeze as much out of it as possible.
Other things that happened today. Went to see the lawyer with my parents to resolve an issue with our neighbour. They are suing us for encroachment of our wall. Stupid neighbours. We built the wall as a common wall, for both of our families, and the father of the neighbours agreed to it 20 years ago when the wall was built. Now, the father passed away and the sons want us to tear the wall down because it is 3 inches on their land. Since it's a common wall, the wall should straddle both sides anyway. The court might dismiss the case just because it's so trivial and they will have to pay our lawyer fees. Sigh, hopefully things go right.
Played pickup ultimate frisbee today. Very tired again, running like a stupid maniac. But I'm getting the hang of the game, being able to cut and move in the right directions and formations. Making the right decisions. I still need to work on more gameplay and ESPECIALLY my throwing. Unless I can throw more accurately, I'm kinda screwing my team. Oh, and I bought cleats, which actually means that I can stop and change direction, rather than just get caught flat footed.
Ahhh, more tutoring for the rest of the week to get some more money!
And thanks for all those people that SMS or IMed me to wish me Happy Birthday!
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