Saturday, October 22, 2005

It's been a long time

Yeah, so it's been a long time since I've blogged. But somehow, there's not too much for me to write about. I'm still bumming, still playing frisbee, still chilling and hanging around.

But officially, my youngest sister is the most horrible person in the world. I've been mad at her for the past weeks, in fact the past months. In the 4 years that I've been away, and my second sister in the US, the youngest have grown to think that she's the princess of the world. She has no respect for her elders, demand that everyone listens to her, and has no consideration for anyone, especially her own family. She's rude to my father, and also to me. She takes things for granted and never acknowledges when someone does something nice to her. She's become pretty much the most selfish person in the world that I know. And it sucks, coz she's my sister.

I can't discipline her, coz my parents don't let me. I'm appalled my parents let her off the hook so easily. I'm usually nice to her, but she seldoms cares to talk to me. She's living in her own private world that does not involve other people. Not a word of thanks passes her mouth when I do something nice for her. Tonight was just the last straw. I needed to computer because I promised my friends in the US and UK that I would talk to them online when I got back. My sister had all day and night to use the computer for her homework, and what's more, she has her own computer that we bought her so that she could use the wireless in school. In the end, she took the computer and chased me out of the room. I blew up at her and threatened to slap her and discipline her. Some of the things she said, I won't repeat. I'm still extremely angry at her. I'm writing this at 1.41am in the morning because I had to wait till she's done. I really don't know what to say, and I don't have anywhere to vent. I'm still extremely tempted to go slap her across her smug face. I've seldom felt this angry at anyone, only once in a long time, but this was really the last straw. I've put a password on my computer, so that only I get to use it and she has to get permission.

Arggh, this is a really shitty way to end an extremely good day. I've had a good day training for frisbee and hanging out with my frisbee friends till around 10.00pm. We were training at NUS, and practising hucks (long throws) and dumping (passing the disc for short distance to reset the stall count). It was a 4 and a half hour long training. Then we went to Holland Village to have dinner and also to Coffee Club for dessert. The muddy mud pie was great, despite being really rich and I was really full. We had to share it among 3 people. I was looking forward to a good night talking to my friends online about our week, which was fully spoilt by my stupid, selfish sister. Now, I've to go get a router to split my internet with my sister, so that she can use her own computer and not mess with mine.

I wish I had a place to vent my anger. Pent up anger is one of the worst feelings ever and I've such a hot temper. I feel like I'm so stifled here that I'm going to burst, but I can't, because my parents would start shouting at me. I need to find a freaking beach or a place I can easily get to and scream my head off. Maybe my blog is a way to vent, but it's too intellectual and not emotionally charged. Haizzz.


At 4:24 PM, Blogger humanbear said...

Wah. You sound very upset. Take it easy lah. Sometimes I get very angry also but can't do anything about it. Blogging helps to a certain extent, and sometimes if you think through the issues and are forced to calm down, you get a little less angry too. Sometimes I find that talking to a very calm person helps a lot too. A person who will talk you through it and help you see the other side of the story. Maybe you can consider that?


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