Friday, June 24, 2005

New book I'm reading

Amidst all my hanging out, playing golf and playing Warcraft 3, I just bought a new book from Borders. It's call "10 Men", by Alexandra Gray. It somehow caught my eye when I wandered into the literature section. This was also something I usually don't do. I usually just head straight for the comics section to read a random array of comics. But as a break in tradition, I went into the literature section.

The book just sat somewhere at the height of my head, and the cover seemed pretty cool. I thought, "What can a book called "10 Men" say? I picked it up and read the first chapter. It was surprisingly good. It talks about how a woman goes through a series of 10 different men throughout her life, dating or marrying each of them and how none of them really suited her, or allowed her to find the happiness that she sought. I'm still in the beginning chapters of the book, so I'll need to keep reading to figure out more.

It seems really interesting to figure out what goes on in the minds of women, and also how I might even share some common characteristics with some, if not all of these 10 men. Could be a book to lead me into some introspection into my life and how I treat women. Hmmmm.

More to come.


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