Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Mixed up feelings with life (Part 1)

Yes I know, I haven't been writing for practically forever. I felt that too, that many things have gone by in the last few months, without me taking note of it, nor actually understanding it. And the piling up of these things in me kinda requires me to sit down and think about them carefully, and sort them out. Kinda like the pensieve that Dumbledore uses in Harry Potter. I'm just getting more and more muddled with life unless I try to sort them out.

Just a quick summary of the things that have gone on in my life since November.

1) Enlisted into the army, working at AOMC, a HR department. Work is alright, I get to wear civilian clothes instead of an army uniform. It's pretty interesting too. Waiting to ORD (Operationally Ready Date) in September 27th, 2007. Long wait. Work is piling too, being the peak period in January. 8am to 11pm pretty consistently and work on Sat and Sun too.

2) Frisbee has picked up a notch. The league games are now and ongoing, every Sunday. I lost the 1st 2 games already, and my team is itching for a win.

3) My walk with God is turning up a notch too. Joining a disciple group that my friend and mentor, Seiwei goes to. Decided that I need spiritual guidance in this journey of life with God. I'm dedicating this year of 2006 to God, and learn as much as I can.

4) Friends from the US have come visiting. Brad Moore, Stephen Cohen, Katrina Bell and brother, are among the few who have dropped by. Sujey flies around the East Asia region and hangs out here too. I'm very thankful that they have come by, and would love to have other friends visit.

5) Dotaing is absolutely mad now. Everyone plays, and I'm on Battlenet nearly every night. I'm becoming pretty good at it, but still have lapses where I get my ass kicked.

6) Life in general is becoming very "stable" or in other words "boring". Predictability and repeatability are the key words here. There's nowhere I can go in Singapore to see new sights, or enjoy new things. I suppose it's the inherent feel of a small country, and that I'm in a military job, that does not help at all. I also don't have enough money to make the trip out of the country. That will have to change, for me to keep my sanity.

7) I have not too many friends here whom I share my thoughts with. Most of them are back in the States and I only have a handful of very close ones here. Yet we are all busy, which makes the time we can actually meet quite rare. I really miss the time with all the brothers back in the States. Heck with privacy. As long as I have my single room, everything else is great with lots of friends around. Although that's a college, ivory tower life, that was such a social life. Need to find a way back for that.


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