Monday, July 09, 2007

It's been over 3 months!

Wow, it's been over 3 months since I last blogged. Lots and lots have happened, and I'm even sure where I should start first.

Well, my baptism on the 15th of April went well. It was a very joyful and emotional moment for me, that I know I'm part of God's family. And also to know that I would be able to spend eternity with Him. It's a real comfort, something to put everything on this world into perspective. I pray that He will continue guiding me to love and know Him more each day.

I went back to the US for 2 weeks to visit people. It was so good to SMELL the air there. It smelt sooooo good. I realised I did miss the States a lot. I stayed at my fraternity house on campus, and basically hung out with them. I didn't feel pressured to go travel and see places, but just relax, read the Bible, play computer games with the brothers, see old friends and connect with them again. It's surprising how much they change in those 2 years I've been away. The younger ones have grown up, wiser, more independent, more confident. The older ones have grown more cynical, more white haired, and agressive. Nono, just joking. They didn't change as much, just about the same. Talked to David a lot about Christ. He's curious about exploring it, and feeling a little lost in life. So just really hope that he'll find his answers in the Bible and in God. I'll love to see him be part of God's family.

Well, frisbee is going well and we'll be starting to train with another team for the Singapore Opens. So that we get better faster, as our current team is a little small to train effectively for a tournament. It's tiring trying to be a team captain, and also trying to plan the frisbee league. Luckily, people have been stepping up to help out, and it's been easier with the help.

So, I got rejected by the girl I liked. I asked her before I went to the States, and was really honest about my feelings. She was also really honest with me, and I'm happy about that, even though things didn't work the way I wanted it to. I don't feel horrible or anything bad, as I know all things are in God's hands, and He will bring the right person when the time is right. It's more like I'm just a little bummed. But we are still being friends and it's nice to know that things haven't just gotten awkward or anything. Praise the Lord that things turned out this way. I'll just have to be patient to wait for His directions.

Okay, more updates to come later.


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