Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Going away party

I had my going away party yesterday, with a BBQ and invited all my friends here at Stanford. I wanted to see all of them again before I leave. I know I'll miss many of them. I've never had a time in my life when I had as many friends as I have now. Seeing all of them come visit, talk with them, catching up with them, the feeling is amazing. Some of them have yet to graduate, some have and are working. Friends of all different races, different beliefs. They are all from different activities: dancing, kayaking, fraternity, archery, class, international students, dorms, etc. It's so cool.

Even friends whom I didn't think would show up, did. It was definitely surprising to see 2 of them drop by without informing me first. I never thought these two would in a hundred years come by, but they did. Well, at least we caught up for a bit before I left. I think that old things and feelings get left behind when you move on and somehow, it's good that life was made this way.

I promised my friends that I'll be back to visit, in a few years. Hopefully too, I'll be working here and then I can reconnect myself with these friends. Many friends also promised to visit as soon as possible. It'll be such a great feeling to have them come visit me in Singapore. It would be like a breathe of life into a stale atmosphere of the military back home.

I'll miss EVERYONE!!! Come and visit me and I'll show you all a good time!!!


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